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1. Sep 2018
0.1 Blacknecked aracari 2018
1.1 Green aracari 2018
1.1 Dumonti beo breeding pair
1.0 Dumonti
1.1 Green aracari 2018
1.1 Dumonti beo breeding pair
1.0 Dumonti
1. Sep 2018
Unique opportunity:
Breeding group (one of the last left in Europe) consisting of:
4,4 Pyrrhura p....
Breeding group (one of the last left in Europe) consisting of:
4,4 Pyrrhura p....
31. Aug 2018
0.1 Gouroba 2015 perfeita
1.1 Araras Glaucogolaris 2018.
0.1 Pretrei 2018 perfei...
1.1 Araras Glaucogolaris 2018.
0.1 Pretrei 2018 perfei...
31. Aug 2018
0.1 Inca cockatoo -18
Dna tested. Closed ring.
Has a small defect on one leg but it dosen’t affe...
Dna tested. Closed ring.
Has a small defect on one leg but it dosen’t affe...
31. Aug 2018
2,1 Psittrichas fulgidus 4-5 years / not siblings / close rings
31. Aug 2018
Pyrrhura picta picta 2018 unrelative & relative pair
DNA 500€/pair
DNA 500€/pair
31. Aug 2018
Bergsittich mutation:
0,1 blau 2018 x 1,0 garantiert spalt blau 2017,geschlossen beringt.
0,1 blau 2018 x 1,0 garantiert spalt blau 2017,geschlossen beringt.
31. Aug 2018
1:1 Pteroglossus castanotis 2018
1:1 Pteroglossus azara mariae 2017/2018
1:1 Pteroglossus erythrop...
1:1 Pteroglossus azara mariae 2017/2018
1:1 Pteroglossus erythrop...
31. Aug 2018
2,2 Pionopsitta piletea for 1,1 Tagnygnatus lucionis
30. Aug 2018
Plumheads breeds 2018
2-2 Green/opaline/lutino x Lutino
0-1 Lutino
1-0 Opaline/?Lutino
0-1 Opali...
2-2 Green/opaline/lutino x Lutino
0-1 Lutino
1-0 Opaline/?Lutino
0-1 Opali...
30. Aug 2018
1.1 Hellroter Ara/ara macao 2005 & 2000
Wegen Disharmonie auch einzeln zu haben!
Because of dishar...
Wegen Disharmonie auch einzeln zu haben!
Because of dishar...
30. Aug 2018
1,1 Goldnackenaras blutsfremd 2015/2016 & 1,1 blutsfremd 2014/2016 Beide Paare 2300€
2,2 A. xanth...
2,2 A. xanth...
30. Aug 2018
2-0 big Malabar parakeets(Psittacula columboïdes)2018.DNA.
Swap my 1-0 for 0-1 is possible.Must al...
Swap my 1-0 for 0-1 is possible.Must al...
30. Aug 2018
1,1 Zuchtpaar Taubensittiche (Psittacara columboides)+ 0,2 Jungtieren 2018 mit DNA zu verkaufen.GroÃ...
30. Aug 2018
Pyrrhura Pfrimeri pairs or females. Closed rings,with DNA from outside aviaries.Good price paid. Goi...
30. Aug 2018
1.0 Poicephalus Jardine Gulielmi 2004. 350€. Come to Zwolle.
30. Aug 2018
Jandaya 0,1 eller 1,0 byttes for at lave ubeslægtet par
30. Aug 2018
7-3 Illigers or Blauwvleugel ara
Primolius (propyrrhura) maracana
Illiger's or Blue winged macaw
Primolius (propyrrhura) maracana
Illiger's or Blue winged macaw